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Red Hat CDN

CDN Prerelease

We are currently working on our CDN, which will be soon moving into beta. This will be the preferred method of installation in the near future. If you are a Red Hat associate and have questions or comments about the CDN or installation process please join us in our Red Hat Design System Google chat.

In the meantime, install this component using npm

The recommended way to load RHDS is via the Red Hat Digital Experience CDN, and using an import map.

If you have full control over the page you are using, add an import map to the <head>, pointing to the CDN, or update any existing import map. If you are not responsible for the page's <head>, request that the page owner makes the change on your behalf.

<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"@rhds/elements/": "",
"@patternfly/elements/": ""

Once the import map is established, you can load the element with the following module, containing a bare module specifier:

<script type="module">
import '@rhds/elements/rh-alert/rh-alert.js';

Note that Modules may be placed in the <head>: since they are deferred by default, they will not block rendering.


Install RHDS using your team's preferred NPM package manager, e.g.

npm install @rhds/elements

Once that's been accomplished, you will need to use a bundler to resolve the bare module specifiers and optionally optimize the package for your site's particular use case and needs. Comprehensive guides to bundling are beyond the scope of this page; read more about bundlers on their websites:


Public CDNs

JSPM and other public CDNs should not be used on corporate domains. Use them for development purposes only!

Add an import map to the <head>, pointing to the CDN, or update any existing import map.

<script type="importmap">
"imports": {
"@rhds/elements/": "",
"@patternfly/elements/": ""

Once the import map is established, you can load the element with the following module, containing a bare module specifier:

<script type="module">
import '@rhds/elements/rh-alert/rh-alert.js';

Note that Modules may be placed in the <head>: since they are deferred by default, they will not block rendering.


Slots 3
Slot Name Description

Provide a description for the alert message


Provide a header for the alert message.


Provide actions that the user can take for the alert

Attributes 4
DOM Property Description Type Default

Communicates the urgency of a message and is denoted by various styling configurations.

  • default - Indicates generic information or a message with no severity.
  • info - Indicates helpful information or a message with very little to no severity.
  • success - Indicates a success state, like if a process was completed without errors.
  • warning - Indicates a caution state, like a non-blocking error that might need to be fixed.
  • danger - Indicates a danger state, like an error that is blocking a user from completing a task.
'default' | 'error' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger' | 'info'

The alternate Inline alert style includes a border instead of a line which can be used to express more urgency or better grab the attention of a user.

A Toast alert is used to present a global message about an event, update, or confirmation, like the result of a user action that cannot be presented within a specific layout or component.

'alternate' | 'toast' | 'inline' | undefined

Alert variants have different rules regarding their ability to be dismissed by a user. Default, Info, and Success Inline alerts can be dismissed by a user selecting the close button. Warning and Danger Inline alerts can be dismissed by a user resolving the issues caused by the alert. All Toast alerts can be dismissed by a user selecting the close button or waiting for them to time out.

Methods 0


Events 1
Event Name Description

when the dismissable alert closes

CSS Shadow Parts 0


CSS Custom Properties 0


Design Tokens 0


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