Grid Card

In a grid, cards will fill all the available vertical space.

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Longer Content

In such a case, all of the grid card's footers should be vertically aligned. Meaning, they should always rest in the bottom of their card. Even when one card has much more content than its neighbour, and thus fill more vertical space in it's body, the footers should still be aligned.

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Grid Card

These kinds of situations should best be avoided. See the guidelines for more information.

Read the Guidelines

This card has no header and short body content.

Call to action

No footer, More Content

In such a case, all of the grid card's footers should be vertically aligned. Meaning, they should always rest in the bottom of their card. Even when one card has much more content than its neighbour, and thus fill more vertical space in it's body, the footers should still be aligned.

No body

Read the Guidelines